Chasty Ballesteros

 Chasty Ballesteros Biography: Height, Weight and Age. Measurements. Net Worth. Family. Wiki. Chasty was born in Vancouver, Canada on 03/01/81. She is now 39 years old. Chasty Ballesteros is 1.68m tall and weighs 58 kg. Her home town is Vancouver, Canada. Her primary Profession is an Actress. Chasty is an Actress who is well-known around the world. She is a well-known actress. Nationality is Canadian. We don't have any details about Chasty Ballesteros parents. The research team is currently looking into the information for Chasty. We will soon update the information about her family members, siblings as well as her spouse and children. We don't have a lot of information about Chasty Ballesteros Education Lifestyle.Chasty Ballesteros Body Statistics: If you're an intelligent and skilled actor like Chasty Ballesteros is crucial to constantly look excellent because paparazzi love him everywhere. Chasty Ballesteros's measurements for his body are 36 inches. The weight is 58 kg. She has black eyes and hair.

Chasty Chasty Chasty


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